Sinta Tantra - The Lightclub of Batavia

Pitzhanger Manor & Gallery, London UK

24 January to Spring 2024


In display across the historic Pitzhanger Manor, Sinta Tantra: The Lightclub of Batavia offers a visually striking journey. As the latest in the series of Pitzhanger’s Artists at Home displays across Sir John Soane’s Manor, Tantra’s geometric paintings and sculptures resonate with Soane’s architecture. Her works, often described as ‘painting on an architectural scale’, employ vibrant forms and bold colours which set up a dialogue with the neo-classical elegance of the Manor.

Pitzhanger Manor was the country home of Sir John Soane, one of the most influential architects in British history. Soane designed many extraordinary buildings, but Pitzhanger is unique as a building because it was designed, built and lived in by Soane himself.
January 24, 2024