Sally von Rosen

Sally von Rosen (b.1994 in Gothenburg, Sweden) lives and works in Berlin. Von Rosen holds a BA in Philosophy from Gothenburg University (2016) and a MA in Fine Arts from Umeå Academy of Fine Arts (2017-2019) including Performative Studies at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna (2018). Through sculpture and performance von Rosen explores political ecology of things and the power that objects can exert on people and their social interactions. Von Rosen’s brutal yet poetic sculptures inevitably appear to be about to move, inflicting feelings of uncertainty about their intentions.

Selected solo and duo exhibitions include Wentrup II, Berlin (2023); MAIN BODY, curated by Madalina Stanescu and Juliet Kothe, Trauma bar und Kino, Berlin (2023); 3 exhibition series, 3e Våningen, Gothenburg (2023); Augusries of Innocence, MEGA Foundation, Stockholm (2023); Surface - Survival Strategies, Reference Studios, Berlin (2022); O Rose Thou Art Sick, Hall Gallery, Gothenburg (2022); Ring Around the Moon, duo exhibition, curated by Sigrid Hermann, Erratum Gallery, Berlin (2021); Slow Shopping, Peep Show Galleri 54, Gothenburg (2019) “SHELTER”, duo exhibition, The Gallery, Umeå (2019); At the Place Where It Happens to Be, Gallery RÝMD, Reykjavik (2019); Alter or die, duo exhibition, The Gallery, Umeå (2018); Artfacts, KC-väst Gallery, Gothenburg (2018); After_Party, Kaffe Viktor, Gothenburg (2018).
Live performances include Premium economy (for Anna Uddenberg), Kunsthalle Mannheim, Mannheim, travelling exhibition to Art Basel Unlimited, Basel (2023-2024); MAIN BODY, Kunsthal Aarhus, Aarhus, Denmark (2024); Nuda paper release, Berlin and Stockholm (2023); Continental Breakfast (for Anna Uddenberg), Meredith Rosen Gallery, New York (2023); Mating Rituals/Hatching, Kantine am Berghain, Berlin (2023); Mating Rituals, Spoiler Zone, Berlin (2022); Fountain, feet, feel, Art Week, Spoiler Zone, Berlin (2021); Ring of Succession, curated by Justin Polera, Gallery Weekend, Kunstraum Potsdamer Str, Berlin (2021); Turbulence, with Elli Brandauer, Spree Tourist Boat, Berlin (2020); Pearl Pursuit, Twitch performance with Elli Brandauer, finissage of Host, Berlin (2020); Love and obsession for an object, Entkunstung, Kunstraum-Bethaninen, Berlin (2020); Späti Romance, Dersim Oase Eck, Flughafenstr 51, Berlin (2019); Horses and Heroes reenactment, Rum för Performance, Bildmuseet, Umeå (2018).
Selected group exhibitions include Kunsthalle Recklinghausen, Recklinghausen, Germany (2024); Rhizome - Network Without Centre Point, curated by Seolhui Lee, Kunsthal Aarhus, Aarhus (2024); Do cyborgs dream of electric sheep, Studio Hanniball, Berlin (2024); KarmaComa, Anna Laudel Gallery, Bodrum (2023); Fathers Chariot/THE FALL, von Racknitz + Baer Gallery, Berlin (2023); Infinitude, curated by Reference Studios, Schinkel Pavillon, Berlin (2022); Open your eyes again, curated by The Fairest, Kühlhaus, Berlin (2022); Artist Inside Fellowship, C&A Karl-Marx Str., Berlin (2022) Sensitive Chaos, Coulisse Gallery, Stockholm (2022); (Cum as You Are, curated by The Fairest, Bad Gastein 2022); Enchant embrace them you odd peninsula, curated by Zippora Elders, Kunstfort bij Vijhuizen, Amsterdam (2022); Aliens are temporary - a mutating exhibition, curated by Sylvia Sadzinski, Sonia Fernández, and Anais Senli, Kunstbruecke am Wildenbruch, Berlin (2022); Aliens are temporary - a mutating exhibition, curated by Sylvia Sadzinski, Sonia Fernández, and Anais Senli, Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, Berlin (2022); Mid Fall Modified Dream, Curated by Katya Quel, Relative Berlin at Paul-Lincke-Ufer Str 5, Berlin (2021); Rats,  Number1mainroad, curated by Tom Esam and Paul Ferens, Spree Canal in Kreuzberg, Berlin (2021); Ubiquitous, Feldfunf, Berlin (2020); Exercises in learning how to be crossed by a ghost, Spoiler Zone, Berlin (2019); Meanwhile, Galleri Andersson/Sandström, curated by Christoph Draeger, Stockholm (2019); Meanwhile, Bildmuseet, curated by Ariane Müller, Umeå (2019); Separation, Issue 12, Umtitled Magazine, Umeå Academy of FineArts, Umeå (2017).
Highlights & Collections
Sally von Rosen was awarded with the residency and exhibition with Trauma bar und Kino in Berlin in 2023, in the same year she received an assistant scholarship with Anna Uddenberg. In 2021 she was awarded the Artist Inside Fellowship. Von Rosen's work can be found in private and public collections globally including Göteborgs Stad (Gothenburg); Marc Müller Collection (Berlin); Irrgang Collection (Leipzig).