Celina Teague - Money & Fairy Tales
Celina Teague, PPE, 2020
Celina Teague, All Said, Nothing Done, 2020
Celina Teague, Agami heron, 2020
Celina Teague, When All is Said & Nothing is Done, 2021
Celina Teague, Nesting, 2021
Celina Teague, Money & Fairy Tales, 2021
Celina Teague, Respect Your Mother, 2020
Celina Teague, How Dare You ?, 2020
Alongside Teague’s slogan paintings are a collection of portraits in which the artist foregrounds a rare, exotic or overlooked animal such as the horned marsupial frog or pigeon. These works are the result of a layered creative process in which Teague first researches the animal, then writes an accompanying poem before creating the final painting with fragments of her own text stencilled onto the background. The bright colour palette, and combination of image and text is instantly eye-catching, demonstrating Teague’s understanding of contemporary viewing habits, whilst also drawing our attention to the inner existence of these creatures as sentient beings. ‘When I paint animals, I want people to see how extraordinary they are, and the text offers a different layer of perception that moves beyond pure image,’ comments the artist. Indeed, as we view these works, our gaze moves back and forth between the animal’s portrait and the emboldened words, offering alternating narratives that, in turn, ask us to consider the limitations of our prescribed perspectives.
The seductive colours and imagery of Teague’s work celebrate the natural world, whilst also highlighting darker issues, and addressing the fundamental contradiction that underpins contemporary culture’s approach to activism; while the internet provides us with access to information and social media allows us to easily promote and share messages, we are also at risk of becoming numb to climate change as another trend, another identity to try on. In this way, Teague’s paintings draw attention not only to the unsung and more complex narratives relating to environmental issues, but also to our own viewing patterns that subconsciously filter information and subsequently, narrow our worldview. This is art that commands and rewards scrutiny.
Celina Teague: Money and Fairy Tales
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