Sverre Malling (b. 1977) has given the drawing medium new relevance in Norwegian contemporary art and is regarded as one of the country's most prominent visual artists. He creates work notable for its precision and intricacy, entwining together references to classical art, botany, the occult, psychedelia, folk art and children’s illustrations. Malling participated in the Norwegian Autumn Exhibition already as a 17-year-old and completed his studies at the Norwegian Academy of Fine Arts in 2004.


Solo exhibitions include (Upcoming) Kristin Hjellegjerde Gallery, London, UK (2025); Lazarus & mitt lille lam, Galleri Haaken, Norway (2022); Adieu To Old England, The Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities, London, England (2022); Retrospective Solo Exhibition, Haugar Vestfold Art Museum, Norway (2021); Adieu To Old England, Kristin Hjellegjerde Gallery, London, England (2021); The blossoms we wear in our hats, Galleri Haaken, Norway (2017); Satellites and Pomegranates, Galleri Haaken, Norway (2014); Tegninger fra 22.julisaken, The Norwegian Philosophy, Kragerø, Norway (2013); Sverre Malling - Louis Moe, Grenland Kunsthall, Norway (2013); The season have no fear, Galleri Thomassen, Gothenburg, Sweden (2011); Sleeping in a hollow log, Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo, Norway (2010); Spirit Caravan, Lillehammer Art Museum, Lillehammer, Norway (2009).


Group exhibitions include (Upcoming) British Museum, London, UK (2025) (Upcoming) The Armory Show, Kristin Hjellegjerde Gallery, New York (2024); Medea, Greek Theater of Syracuse, Sicily, Italy (2023); Enter Art Fair, Kristin Hjellegerde Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark (2023); Where Wild Roses Grow, Kristin Hjellegjerde Gallery, Schloss Goerne, Germany (2023); The Black Shuck Festival, The Belle Gallery, Bungay, UK (2023); Viriditas – The Mystical in Art, Tegnerforbundet, Oslo, Norway (2023); Drawing Triennial, Tegnerforbundet, Oslo, Norway (2023); Grafikk, Atelier Larsen 50 år, Galleri Thomassen, Göteborg, Sweden (2022); Hvitsten Salong (2022) Atelier Larsen 50 år, Kunstverket, Oslo (2022); Vi star på sammenraste hull, Sandefjord Kunstforening, Norway (2022); Slutten, art project curated by Thiis-Evensen and Sjøvold, Sandefjord Kunstforening, Norway (2021); Dance with the dead, Edvard Munchs Atelier Ekely, Norway (2021); Nordic Noir, Gallen Kallela Museum, Helsinki, Finland (2020); Lit Naits, Mexico (Oh, Brother), QB Gallery, Norway (2019); Kunstverket 30 years, Kunstverket Gallery, Oslo, Norway (2019); Marginalization, Arts Council Norway’s conference, Byscenen, Trondheim, Norway (2019); The Collection, Bomuldsfabrikken, Arendal, Norway (2019); Get The Picture, Sørlandets Art Museum, Kristiansand, Norway (2019) YME Art Poster Show, Oslo, Norway (2018); Hvidsten Salong, Norway (2018); Chopper Fest, Halden, Norway (arranged by Bomuldsfabrikken) (2018); Undergrunnsutstillingen, Angels Place, Oslo, Norway (2018); Contemporary Chaos, Vestfossen Kunstlaboratium, Norway (2018); Å være nær, Dropsfabrikken, Trondheim, Norway (2018); Picture Believer - A Collector’s Items, Blomqvist, Oslo, Norway (2018); Printing in the Infernal Method, Kunstverket Gallery, Oslo, Norway (2018); Billedlig talt, Nasjonalbiblioteket, Oslo, Norway (2017); Everything exists now, Kristin Hjellegjerde Gallery, London, England (2017); Sneakyville, Haugar Vestfold Art Museum (2016); Treasures, Nord Norsk Kunstmuseum, Tromsø, Norway (2016); Tegneutstillingen, Nils Aas Kunstverksted, Norway (2015); SOLIDARNORSK, Paris, France (2014); View on intimacy, Fredrikstad Kunsthall, Norway (2014); Death, Galerie Körnerpark, Berlin, Germany (2014); among more.


Highlights and Collections

In 2014, Sverre Malling was awarded a 10-year "Scholarship for established artists" by the Norwegian Visual Artists Association. Prior to that, Malling received multiple other prestigious awards including the Aksel Waldemar Memorial Prize in 2010 and the Autumn Exhibition Prize in 2009. In the same year he also was awarded the first Jakob Weidemann Scholarship. Malling’s work is forms part of important public and private collections which include, The British Museum, Bunker Artspace Museum, Palm Beach, USA; The National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design, Oslo, Norway; The National Library of Norway Astrup Fearnley Museum, Oslo, Norway; Haugar Art Museum, Tønsberg, Norway; Equinor Art Programme, Norway; Nordnorsk Art Museum, Tromsø, Norway; Sørlandet Art Museum, Kristiansand, Norway; Lillehammer University College, Lillehammer, Norway; Johan Strays Stiftelse, Oslo, Norway; Drammens Museum, Norway; Dyno Industri, Akershus, Norway; Skedsmo kommune, Lillestrøm City Hall, Norway; Kistefos Museum, Jevnaker, Norway.